For the well-controlled drilling operation, design of the MGS with constraint parameters and safety factors are important. To achieve the objective, the design theory and the design model is provided in the evaluation section under white paper prepared by Kapwell, the limitations of the existing gas handling process are examined in the design and theory section.

In order to avoid recirculating gas cut mud, minimise the volume of mud lost from the active system, and safely vent gas during well control operations a properly designed mud gas separator is mandatory. Atmospheric open bottom separators are the predominant type of separator in use onshore. Kapwell white paper presented recommendations and procedures for separator and vent line sizing. The design procedure can be used by contractors when fabricating new equipment or by operators for evaluating existing equipment. Additionally, fabrication, materials, installation, and maintenance standards are recommended for separator equipment.

To request Kapwell white paper here or alternatively let us do compliance check for you.


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